Friday, December 3, 2010

another good book

I know this is not an educational book, but I had write about it. The book is Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind. It is a religous book. However, it is a good book for anyone to read. It is based on christanity but the information in it everyone can understand. For example, one of the mian points in this book is that you can think about what you are thinking about. Her point behind that is you don't have to think about every little thought that comes to your mind. We can honeslty choose what we think about. I know that sounds elementary, but how many people think about something bad and instead of moving on and not dwelling on it they keep thinking about it. Most people are not aware that they don't have to let thier minds wonder all over the place. Another great point in the book is that people choose to be negative. Negative thoughts creates negative lives. Overall this book will make anyone aware of some small details in life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book reflection

One of the books I read this semester was Teammates Matter Fighting for Something Greater than Self by Allan Williams. In my opinion every athlete and coach should read this book. In this book Williams talks about his experience playing basketball for the University of Wake Forest. He was not the best basketball player in the world, but the coaches kept him around simply because of his work ethic. He dedictaed himself just to be apart of the team. He did not get alot of playing time, and he was cut from the team once. However, he was determined to stay with the team and made the walk-on squad. He played all four years while never progressing as a basketball player. His focus was to help his teammates and to be apart of something great. If athletes and coaches stay determined as Allan they will be very successful.

Some pics of the greatest elementary school in the world.

 My office that I share with the Reading Recovery teacher.
 Stride Pride is an event that the school holds that promotes fitness by walking or riding a bike to school.
 This is one area that we have pe. Our school presently does not have a gym.
 One of the play grounds!
 One area Forest Parks is not lacking is equipment. I have more than enough equipment to use.
 This is our track. Our students use it every pe class.

The greatest elementary school in the world!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It does not look like my little angel will get to come back. I don't like it, but at least he can get the help he needs!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

parents' concern

Sometimes parents can be helpful but, sometime it's just easier just to listen and go on. As long as you are comfortable with the job you are doing you are doing ok.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the most awfull realization that a teacher will have to face is that you can't help them all. that is the horrbile truth I just learned.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

today started out funny and ended funny. One of my students look at me and said "what up dawg". these kids are cawesome:)
Today has been a funny day. One student came to school wearing a shirt that siad I am a chick magnet. That kind is awesome.
I finally firgured out what i am going to do about my student who likes to be suspended. I am just going to keep doing the same things I have been doing. I know I have made some difference, but it just has to continue.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Learning to put your personal pride aside to help a student is not an easy thing to do, but I'm learning!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I have five days to realize how to help my "little angel" before he comes back from suspension.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Not a good start to the day. How do you help a student that sees being suspended as a good thing?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

long day

today was a good day. however, way to long. sometime doing the right thing is just not good enough.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

new blog

i am new to the blogging game. i hope that I can keep everyone's attention. I will try to post interesting blogs about my week. thanks enjoy!!